We were instructed on behalf of the landlord to implement a cat A fit out of this stripped out first floor office space, which offered 13,500 sq ft of accommodation.
A tenant was identified to take a lease on the space, with an Agreement for Lease entered into, requiring the landlord to handover a cat A refurbishment to meet with the tenant’s requirements and within a stipulated timeframe.
The shell floor plate had already been completely stripped out, including the WC core. Therefore, the proposed works comprised new mechanical and electrical installations, new surface finishes and the complete construction and fit out of a WC core.
Appointed as Project Manager, Contract Administrator and CDM Co-ordinator, we developed the brief and managed the works from inception through to completion, including providing the legal team with support at all stages of the process.
Due to the negotiating tactics of the tenant, we had to offer flexibility in the way this project was procured, clearly advising the client as to the risks involved.
Due to the time that had elapsed in agreeing the letting, we had to negotiate with a preferred contractor, having already carried out a high level ‘stage 1’ competitive tendering exercise. This allowed us to shorten the pre-contract programme and get a contractor on site at the earliest opportunity.
We liaised closely with all stakeholders to ensure the £440,000 contract was handed over on time and in accordance with all parties’ requirements.