Ensuring your interests are safe and sound

When acting for a bank we will request all development documentation from the developer and/or his professional advisers and meet with them as necessary. This will cover all development proposals, drawings, specifications, site and survey information and reports, development appraisal, cost plan, cash flow, statutory approvals and consents, programme information, procurement information, professional appointments and warranties and any other relevant matters to the proposed development.

We will review all documentation provided and undertake a technical due diligence exercise to prepare our own development appraisal report, paying particular attention and making recommendations to the bank on areas of risk, recommended security advice, collateral warranties required and we will advise whether the budget is appropriate for the proposed scheme. We are always on hand to assist the bank and their lawyers on drafting of the development agreement and loan facility.

During the construction phase we will attend the site regularly to monitor technical compliance with the approved Employer’s Requirements, along with construction progress and of course all financial matters and approval of developer’s drawdown requests against the approved facility.

Your money is in safe hands every step of the way.

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