Our client acquired this office block in April 2013 following Propitas initial appraisal of vendors surveys and our own due diligence report. Immediately a design team was assembled and Propitas project managed a fast track design process for a full Cat A refurbishment including internal structural remodeling involving removing a shear wall and introduction of a new sway brace frame and infilling 3 no. floors to the reception atrium to increase NIA to circa 45,000 sq ft. At the same time an initial demolition and strip out enabling contract was let to take the building back to frame internally. The main project was competitively tendered on a traditional procurement route and the refurbishment completed in August 2014.
The refurbishment took 40 weeks at a project value of circa £5.5m
Outcome of dilapidations claim, percentage saved, completed project on time, working on occupied site etc. We assisted the client in arranging commencement of the demolition contract within one week of purchase to aid the fast track nature of this project.
We ensured close liaison with the design team throughout the pre-contract phase and adopted a clear protocol for change management post-contract agreeing variation costs, which resulted in the final account being agreed before practical completion of the works.