Instruction Synopsis
Propitas were appointed on behalf of Wesleyan Assurance Society to carry out an external building survey of the grade two-listed property, which consisted of a 35 room, boutique hotel and restaurant over 4 storeys.
Following the defect diagnosis inspection and provision of a detailed report, the client has elected to proceed with the works to preserve the property. These included specialist stone works repairs, overhauling of the windows, replacement of rainwater goods and roof covering repairs.
As the property was grade two listed and located within a busy city centre location this presented several challenges, including gaining listed building consent, highways permits and erecting scaffold to the perimeter of an occupied building.
Appointed as Project Manager, Contract Administrator and Principal Designer, we have developed the specification and are currently in the process of managing the works through to completion, with close liaison with the contractor and statutory approvals.
Our original instruction was for the preparation of a building survey report. The client agreed with our advice to preserve the building fabric and we were best placed to implement these works. Propitas have undertaken all required liaison with the tenants and local authority and have sourced competitive tenders to complete the works.
• Building survey including defect diagnosis and detailed recommendations.
• Project Manager, Contract Administrator of specialist works to a grade two-listed property.
• Issuing of a detailed tender package and carrying out a tender analysis on approved contractors.
• Statutory approvals required.
• Substantial access constraints to overcome.
• Sensitive treatment of tenants.