Propitas have been appointed as tenant monitoring surveyor by the landlord, to oversee a number of essential upgrade, refurbishment and fit out works to the hospital.
Cromwell Hospital is an internationally renowned private hospital and the various work packages are part of BUPA’s ongoing multi million pound redevelopment programme. Most noteworthy including the replacement of the Tomotherpahy suites with new state-of-the-art scanners that will be used in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
Our role as tenant monitor is to oversee their works to ensure the correct procedures and regulations are being followed and to protect the interests of our client and ensure that any key risks are mitigated as far as possible. We have undertaken the initial appraisal and will be liaising with the parties to the agreement and solicitors. Periodic inspections of the works during the construction phase will be carried out to validate critical elements of work and we will remain engaged with the project teams right through to Practical Completion.